Cărți de istorie

94 produse
  1. The Young Alexander, Realizarea lui Alexandru cel Mare
  2. The Shortest History of Greece
  3. Athens, Orașul înțelepciunii
  4. Heroes
  5. Alexander The Great, O istorie a legendei sale
  6. A History of Crete
  7. Memento Mori, Ce ne pot spune romanii despre bătrânețe și moarte
  8. Minoan Crete, O introducere
  9. Acropolis
  10. The Classical World: An Epic History of Greece and Rome
  11. The Histories
  12. The Emergence of a State, Greece 1821-1832
  14. What The Greeks Did For Us
  15. Mycenae: A Journey in the World of Agamemnon
  16. A History of My Times
  17. Symbols of What Exactly? The Functions of Archaic Coin Types
  18. Ancient Messene
  20. Greek Poems to the Gods, Imnuri de la Homer la Proclus
  21. Ancient Greek Athletics
  22. World History in Minutes
  23. Bulfinch's Mythology
  24. A Grand Tour of the Roman Empire by Marcus Sidonius Falx
  25. Ancient Greece An Illustrated History Nigel Rodgers
  26. Ancient Corinth: The site and the museum
  27. The Greek Alexander Romance
  28. The Greeks and the Rational, Descoperirea rațiunii practice
  29. Egypt, Greece, and Rome, Civilizațiile Mediteranei antice
  30. Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
  31. Crecy, Bătălia celor cinci regi
  32. At the Gates of Rome, Căderea Orașului Etern, 410 d.Hr
  33. Art Of Running
  34. Military Leadership From Ancient Greece To Byzantium The Art Of Generalship
  35. How The World Made The West A
  36. The Greek Histories The Sweeping History Of Ancient Greece As Told By Its First Chroniclers Herodotus Thucydides Xenophon And Plutarch James Romm Inc
  37. Greek Homosexuality With Forewords By Stephen Halliwell Mark Masterson And James Robson Sir K J Dover Academic 0601
  38. Armies Of Ancient Greece Circa 500 To 338 Bc History Organization Equipment Gabriele Esposito
  39. Cave And Worship In Ancient Greece New Approaches To Landscape And Ritual
  40. In Search Of The Greeks Second Edition James Renshaw Academic 1203
  41. Plato's Academy Its Workings And Its History
  42. Our Beloved Polites: Studies Presented To P.j. Rhodes
  43. Mystery Cults in the Ancient World
  44. Persia
  45. Ritualul religios popular în Grecia preistorică și antică din estul Mediteranei - Arheopress, carte în format broșat
  46. Classical Art
  47. Visual Power In Ancient Greece And Rome
  48. The Ancient Astiki Odos and the Metro beneath Vouliagmenis Avenue
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