Cărți științifice

23 produse
  1. Smart Contracts
  2. Greek Corporate Legislation
  3. The Gdpr Handbook
  4. Maritime Alliances and EU Competition Law
  5. Κτηματολογικα Γραφεια Υποθηκοφυλακεια Ενεχυροφυλακεια
  6. Sustainable Terminology
  7. The Survival Of The Republic Of Cyprus
  8. Privacy And Security In Light Of The European Digital Agenda
  9. Mass Claims In Maritime Law And Alternative Methods Of Dispute Resolution
  10. The Principle Of Good Administration In The Action Of Eu Institutions
  11. Judicial Review And Constitutional Adjudication In Cyprus And Beyond
  12. The Cyprus Experience
  13. EU Competition Law
  14. International And Domestic Arbitration In Switzerland
  15. Symposium on the Future of Global Law
  16. International Law and Diplomacy on the Cyprus Question
  17. Protection of Women and Children in Armed Conflicts
  18. Unexpected Circumstances and Carriage of Goods by Sea
  19. Human Rights and International Protection for Vulnerable Asylum Appli­cants
  20. European Governance in times of uncertainty
  21. Culture and Migration
  22. The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Aspecte juridice ale primului pilon al Uniunii bancare europene
  23. EU Successino Regulation No 650/2012, Un comentariu