Cărți științifice

73 produse
  1. Stateness And Democracy In East Asia
  2. Saving The International Justice Regime
  3. Canada's Deep Crown
  4. Conventional Wisdom, Parties, And Broken Barriers In The 2016 Election
  5. Whose Holy Land?
  6. America's Voucher Politics
  7. Scotus 2022
  8. Syrian Refugees In Turkey
  9. Visions Of Political Violence
  10. Global Digital Data Governance
  11. Saving Societies From Within
  12. Advisory Roles Of Political Scientists In Europe
  13. Use Of Biodiversity In International Law
  14. Integrating Science And Politics For Public Health
  15. Modularization
  16. Καταναλωτική Κοινωνία
  17. The Joy of Sheds
  18. Europe: Continent of Conspiracies, Teorii ale conspirației în și despre Europa
  19. The Globalization of Addiction
  20. Impossibility, Limitele științei și știința limitelor
  21. International Relations Theories, Disciplină și diversitate
  22. The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Aspecte juridice ale primului pilon al Uniunii bancare europene
  23. Sustainable Materials without the Hot Air
  24. The Kalasha
  25. Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-1998
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